UMRAH lucky draw 2022

UMRAH lucky draw 2022 and UMRAH benefits

UMRAH lucky draw 2022

Linguistically, Umrah means going to a particular place. According to the Shariah, Umrah includes going through the miqat in the state of Ihram, circumambulating the Kaaba, performing the Sa’i of Safa and Marwah, and shaving the hair or doing Taqeer.

Umrah can be performed throughout the year, although performing Umrah on the days of Hajj that fall between the 9th and 13th of Dhu al-Hijjah is undesirable. The rituals performed during Umrah are also an essential part of Hajj.

Obligation of Umrah

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed Umrah four times in his life. There is a difference between the four schools of thought of Ahl al-Sunnah that performing Umrah at least once in Umrah is obligatory or not.

According to the Hanafi and Maliki schools of thought, Umrah is not obligatory, rather it is considered Sunnah Muqidah (emphasis on the Sunnah). On the other hand, according to the Shafi’i and Hanbali schools of thought, performance of Umrah is considered obligatory like Hajj.

Umrah conditions

There are several conditions that must be met in performing Umrah. These conditions are exactly the same for Hajj:

Islam – You must be a Muslim.

Puberty – You must have reached puberty which means you are mature.

Mind – You must be mentally sound and in complete control of your mental faculties.

Financially Able – You must have sufficient expenses to cover travel, accommodation and all other needs during the Umrah. You must also have sufficient expenses to support your dependents while you are away. Being debt-free is not a requirement, but arrangements must be made to pay off the debt before going to perform Umrah.

Physically Able – You must be physically able to go to Mecca and perform Umrah. You must be free of any disease or illness that prevents you from doing so.

Transportation – To perform Umrah, you must have access to Makkah and can afford it. The flight should also be safe, i.e. you should not run the risk of damage during your flight.

Muharram condition (for women only) – The woman must be accompanied by a Mahram.

Menstrual period free (women only) – Women should be menstruating if possible.

Benefits of Umrah

UMRAH lucky draw 2022

Muslims seek forgiveness for their mortal sins and pray to God, the Most Merciful and Most Merciful. Walking this holy path with the pure intention of Umrah brings peace and happiness. Moreover, Umrah is the only Sunnah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed twice in his entire life.

Benefits of performing Umrah in Ramadan

If you are planning to perform Umrah during Ramadan, it is important to understand that there are two types of Umrah that pilgrims can choose from – Umrah Al Tama and Umrah Al Mufrad. Pilgrims can perform Umrah in the month of Ramadan.

However, this must be done before the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah. Remember that there is no difference in the spiritual process. The Umrah is performed in Ramadan in the same way as the Umrah is performed in the rest of the year. Apart from this, the benefits of Umrah in Ramadan are also many.

In the hadith of Ibn Abbas – may God be pleased with him – the Prophet himself said: “Live in the month of Ramadan, for it is Hajj with me.”

Here, the reward for performing Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj. However, it is important to note that this is by no means a substitute for the obligatory Hajj. Other benefits include increased happiness, contentment and blessing due to the pure nature of time and space.

Ihram clothes

You will then transform into your men’s two-piece Ihram garment, usually white, clean and seamless. The cap that wraps around the waist and covers the lower part of the body is known as the izar, and the cap that wraps the upper part of the body like a shawl is known as the sarada.

Sandals should not cover the heels and ankles. The Hanafi school also states that the upper part of the foot must also remain uncovered.

Make sure to put on the Ihram clothes before crossing the specified miqat. You are likely to travel to Saudi Arabia by plane, so it is advised to change your ihram at the airport before departure or during layover if you have one. Check in first and switch your place in the prayer room or bathroom.


you can wear the ihram on the plane, but keep in mind that plane bathrooms are usually limited in space and there may be a rush of people intending to do the same as the miqat approaches. If you decide to put on your Ihram clothes on the plane, do so at least an hour before you cross the Miqat.

You can delay making your intention until the meeqaat approaches. Immediately before crossing, remove any items of clothing that you may still be wearing that violate the terms of Ihram such as socks, head coverings and underwear.

Women are not required to adhere to a particular dress code. The clothing should be a modest Islamic dress with a head covering of any colour. Hands and faces should remain uncovered although socks may be worn

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