How to find out who blocked you on Instagram?

who blocked you on instagram

Getting blocked always hurts. If you want to find out who blocked you on Instagram, you are at the right place.

By default, Instagram does not allow anyone to see who blocked you. But there are some methods that you can use to check it.

Why somebody can block you?

You can get blocked because of various reasons, like:

  1. A quarrel (XD)
  2. You are tagging someone in irrelevant posts
  3. Any unknown reason

How to see who blocked you on Instagram online free?

Please follow the following steps:

  1. Open your Instagram account.
  2. Search for the username of the person who blocked you.
  3. If the profile appears, this means that you are not blocked. If the profile does not appear, you have to do one further step.
  4. Grab a phone of your family member or friend. Search for the same username from your friend’s phone. If the profile is appearing on your friend’s phone, (but not yours) then you are blocked.

How to find out who blocked you on Instagram (2nd Method)

The second method is to reach the profile of the blocker via old messages or profile links.

Step 1: If you and the person have had a conversation on Instagram previously, then it is easy to find his/her profile. Go to your Instagram inbox.

Step 2: Manually, search the chat between you and that person. The chat won’t appear in search if he/she has blocked you. If you are still unable to find the profile, you can open your Instagram profile via a link like ( Just put the username after

Step 3: Click on view profile from chat.

who blocked me on instagram

Step 4: The chat will look like the screenshot below. It will show that there is ‘No Posts Yet) and it is a clear indication that you have been blocked

If you and the person who has blocked you are in the same group, then you both will get a notification like a screenshot below.

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App to see who blocked you on Instagram:

Many apps can tell you who blocked you on Instagram, but I will not recommend you to use these apps. 

Reasons to not use these apps:

  1. They are not authorized by Instagram
  2. You can lose your Instagram account
  3. Instagram may block you due to 3rd party apps
  4. Most of the apps demand money to find out who blocked you

If you still want to use an app, then “Instafollow” can be the best choice. This app can be downloaded from the app stores of both android and iPhones.

How to know if someone blocked you on Instagram or deleted their account

First of all, get the phone of your friend or family member.

who blocked me on instagram

Steps to follow:

  1. Open your own and your friend’s Instagram account and search for the person from both accounts.
  2. If the profile is NOT appearing in both accounts, then the account has been deleted.
  3. If it is appearing on the phone of your friend but not on your’s, then you are blocked.

Read more: How to delete Instagram account 


These are the all methods that you can use to find out who blocked you on Instagram. If you still have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment section below. One of our experts will quickly answer all your queries.

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