What Are the Most Visited Websites in Pakistan?

Most Visited Websites in Pakistan

If you are looking for the most visited websites in Pakistan, they are not entirely different than the rest of the world. The largest technology businesses, such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Google, are present in almost all countries across the globe, and Pakistan is also a part of them.

There are different analytics working online, and check the most viewed and visited websites in Pakistan and conclude a list. That list includes the names of all the social media apps and websites people visit the most in their routine.

There were the top 6 websites that were watched over and over regularly, including; Google, YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter. These are the top 6 websites visited by people across Pakistan in the latest months till October. There are many other websites visited in Pakistan that we are going to discuss in this article. So, stay tuned!

Most Visited Websites in Pakistan 2022

Here is a list of the top most viewed websites in Pakistan, which are well-known and popular all across the globe. This list contains information about the most visited websites in Pakistan and the names of websites created in Pakistan. Let’s get started!

1. Google.com

Google is on the number 1 list of the websites most visited in Pakistan. People have used google to search different Pakistan-oriented searches. Google is available in multiple languages; you can change its language to your native language.

Usually, Pakistanis change their google language to Urdu to understand its features and searches better. Google also contains a mic option and google assistant that helps you talk to the computer. You can speak and search for various news, video programs, and dramas of your own choice without typing anything. You need to speak, and you are good to go.

2. YouTube

YouTube is another famous website on the list and is among the most viewed websites in Pakistan. You can watch multiple videos on this website and search for your favorite music video, movie, or drama. Different YouTube channels are working that you can watch. Most of the traffic is from YouTubers who upload engaging content and update their channels with new videos once or twice a month; this way, it gains traffic and gets the most views.

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3. Facebook

Facebook is one of the most viewed websites in Pakistan. It has billions of users, and I can say without a doubt that almost every living human being on this planet has a Facebook profile. People like spending time and scrolling through Facebook for hours, and there is a new feature on Facebook called the Facebook marketplace where you can buy different types of products and do shopping. You can also add friends, chat with them, and post your daily activities.

4. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the 4th most visited website in 2022, there is a vast user interface on this website, and different people like to communicate with their family and friends with the help of this application. WhatsApp enables you to see the status of your contact list, and you can also add your WhatsApp status as well. WhatsApp is one of the most used communication websites all across the globe.

5. Instagram

After WhatsApp, the app that is gaining popularity is Instagram. Instagram is becoming trendy with the changing time. The number of people who have Instagram accounts has doubled this year. Instagram has added new features and has made the website user-friendly by introducing new features such as adding reels, stories, and posts of your daily activity. You can interact with many celebrities on Instagram as there are authentic celebrities’ profiles on it. You can comment and like their posts and get to know what is happening in their life all day long.

6. Twitter

Twitter is the 6th most viewed website in Pakistan. Due to the current political changes in Pakistan, many politicians and civilians like to share their political reviews on Twitter. You will find all the authentic accounts of the political members on Twitter. There is always a new trend going on Twitter that can be related to anything happening in the country. People set this trend by posting with hashtags on it. Twitter these days is becoming more of a political website.

7. Netflix

After Twitter, the website with the most visited rating is Netflix, one of the most popular websites known today with a huge fan following and people love to watch the new seasons and movies on Netflix. Netflix is becoming trendy daily, and many Pakistani actors get roles in their series. It is an American-based website, but the cast is hired worldwide. It is a great website to spend your spare time on as it contains hundreds of TV shows, series, and movies.

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8. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a job-finding application, or you can call it a space where you can create economic opportunity for every member of the globe and connect the world’s professionals to make a productive and successful space for everyone.

9. Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the most viewed websites for finding jobs online. By creating gigs and portfolios, you can attract clients by showing them your work history and wiring about yourself. You need to apply for multiple jobs and wait for the work. You can make a gig of whatever skill you have and think you can transform it into a profession.

10. Daraz. pk

Daraz is one of the leading shopping websites across Pakistan, and many users want to shop on this website. Daraz gives out multiple grand annual sales and gains customers; these customers gain satisfaction after receiving their products. You can pay cash on delivery or online, whatever is convenient.

Final Thoughts

Above are the top 10 most visited websites in Pakistan. Many other websites besides these are most visited in Pakistan, including; Microsoft, live.com, Wikipedia.org, yahoo.com, and espncricinfo.com. Ratings of these websites keep changing every month, and there are different surveys and analytics that work and record these changing websites monthly or quarterly.

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