10 Wrestlers Who Died in the Ring During Match

death wwe

Professional wrestling has become a dangerous job, sometimes making the wrestlers lose their lives. Wrestlers often face minor and sometimes significant injuries, but some of their moves require trusting their lives in the opponent’s hands. It means many things can go wrong during their matches in a ring, ending their lives.

As you know that wrestling is a scripted game. The wrestlers who die in a ring due to faulty equipment or undiscovered disease can turn a scripted and astounding performance into a deadly situation. It leads to curiosity among the people who is the wrestler that died in the ring.

It all means that this million-dollar entertainment industry is not without risk at all. Wrestlers put their life at risk to entertain their fans. In previous years, the WWE wrestlers program put in some measures to avoid and reduce the significant injuries and deaths of wrestlers. But reports and evidence still show that wrestlers experience life-threatening injuries during their matches.

In a wrestling match, dangerous equipment cannot be ruled out of the game, leading to a wrestler’s death. Jumping from the rope, neck grappling, and arm twisting are the significant reasons that could go wrong, and wrestlers may suffer pain or death.

Deaths During Wrestling Match

wrestlers who died in the ring

Here we will discuss some of the wrestlers who died in a ring during a match:

1-Silver King

Silver king was born on January 9, 1968, in Mexico. His real name was Cesar Gonzalez. He started wrestling at an early age. In 1985, he started making his name and representing his country in wrestling.

He died on May 11, 2019, during a match in London. He was playing against England wrestler Juventud Guerrero. His death was a total shock for his fans and everybody else; he just collapsed and fell on the ground without getting punched by his opponent. Later, medical reports revealed that he suffered a sudden heart attack leading to death.

2- Mitsuhara Misawa

Mitsuhara was a 1980s wrestler. He was born in Japan. Whenever he came in a ring, he wore a Tiger-themed veil; that’s why he got the name ‘’Tiger Mask’’ in a ring. Until 1990, he never pulled out his tiger-themed veil.

In June 2009, he fell in the ring during a match. He was taken to the hospital immediately. But in the emergency clinic, he died. Doctors later revealed that he suffered a cardiovascular breakdown during his match, leading to a tragic death.

3- Jeanette Wolfe

In the 1950s, wrestling became a mainstream event, so women took their feet in it. Mildred Burke was a top famous female wrestler recognized name at that time.

In 1951, she was in search of her replacement. She found an 18-years old Janet Boyer. Janet Boyer started wrestling with the name of Jeanette Wolfe. But into her mission, after only half of the year, she died. She died in England on July 28, 1951, during a match with WWE wrestler Mae Young.

4- Plum Mariko

Plum Mariko was a professional wrestler. She faced many significant injuries in her career. On August 15, 1997, she died in a dueling team match against Reiko Amano and Mayumi Ozaki.

Her death was because her opponent pressed and knocked her down. Her opponent did not know that she had become unconscious. Even when her opponent got off her, they did not find any sign of life in her. She died instantly. Doctors revealed that she died due to Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

5- Oro

While working in Mexico, Jesus Javier Hernandez Silva got the name Oro in a ring. He started his career in 1990. At the very early age of 21, he kicked a bucket. On October 26, 1993, he suffered a tragic death from a knock on the head during a match.

According to the script, he had to take a bump on his head that would make him look like he had a broken neck. But he collapsed right away when he took a bump on his head. He died even before the emergency vehicle came.

6- Larry Cameron

Not many people know about Larry Cameron, but he was also a great wrestler who lost his life in the ring. His nickname was ‘’ Butcher’’ and ‘’Lethal berry’’. He was involved in many sports before joining wrestling. But in the end, he lost his life in a wrestling ring.

He was playing a match against Tony St. Clair, Germany, on December 13, 1993. He suffered a sudden heart attack. The referee instantly stopped the match and tried to wake him up, but it was too late; he was dead.

7- Gary Albright

Gary also lost his life in a ring, so many people did not remember him. At the age of 36, he was showing wrestling skills in Pennsylvania.

During a game with Lucifer Grim, Grim attacked him with an ice crusher, which led Gary Albright to lose his life. After the incident, Gary Albright did not respond, and his death was confirmed. Doctors said that Gary Albright died because of a Heart Attack.

8- Mike DiBiase

Mike DiBiase was famous by many ring names, including Ted Jr., Brett DiBiase, The Million Dollar man DiBiase, and mike, among others. He won many titles in his wrestling career.

On July 2, 1969, he played against Mountain man and suffered a sudden respiratory failure. The referee stopped the game and tried hard to save him, but all went in vain. He died on the spot in a ring.

9- Owen Hart

Owen Hart was known as ‘’Blue Blazer’’ in the ring. In 1999, he became a star in the wrestling industry. He was a Canadian wrestler.

Owen did not suffer tragic death during wrestling, like in a ring. It was a show by WWE on May 23, 1999; they told Owen Hart to fly over the ring. Owen Hart was on the 78 feet over the ring when the framework broke down. Owen collapsed while landing in the ring and was taken to the hospital immediately but died at the hospital. Later on, WWE stopped this type of entry in shows.

10- Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero was born on October 9, 1967. He was known as the most powerful wrestler in the Wrestling industry. Gory Gerrero, the first-generation wrestler, was his father. There is a misconception among people cause of Eddie Guerrero death is wrestling, but it is not true. Eddie Guerrero did not die in a ring during wrestling.

On November 13, 2005, he died in his hotel room. The autopsy report reveals that the cause of his death was a heart ailment. He was already suffering from heart disease, but due to the early use of recreational drugs, it became worse, which caused him to lose his life.

Final Words

Wrestling was considered a very compelling and exciting game in the old times. People loved this game; even they came from distant places to entertain and support their favorite Wrestlers. Wrestling is a dangerous game to play.

Wrestlers put their lives at risk to win their games. But sometimes, they lose their lives in the ring during wrestling. Some wrestlers died due to medical ailments, some died due to sudden heart attacks and cardiac issues, but some died by getting punched by their opponents.

The point is that they all suffered their death in the ring during wrestling. Wrestling is entertainment, but it is full of risks game. We have given the details of 10 wrestlers in our article who died during their matches. If you were wondering about the great wrestlers who died in their careers, reading the whole article will provide complete information about them.

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