How many bones do sharks have? & 8 interesting facts

how many bones do sharks have & 8 interesting facts

Sharks are no doubt the scariest monsters of oceans. You might have wondered how many bones do sharks have? What supports the scary physical capabilities of sharks. Before talking about the bones of sharks, let’s see what kind of animal sharks are?

Sharks are very unique water animals that are living in the seas for 455 million years. They are found in salty waters of oceans usually but some species of sharks also live in freshwater. There are more than 450 types of sharks discovered.

How many bones do sharks have?

The answer is None. Sharks have Zero bones in their body.

Then what supports the large body structure of sharks? Sharks have cartilage instead of bones. It is the same thing with which the human nose and ears are made up of.

Advantage of having no bone to sharks?

The cartilage is very light-weighted than bones. The cartilage provides buoyancy to sharks and helps them to swim. There is another perk of having no bone which that it make easy for the shark to swimming. Cartilage is less rigid than bone so it helps this great monster to swim.

If sharks don’t have bones then how scientist found their fossils? Sharks have fossils because with time calcium gets deposited in their bones. Calcium provides strength to cartilages.

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8 interesting facts about sharks:

Sharks are such unique fishes that there are tons of unique things about them.

Interesting facts about sharks

1. Fingerprints of sharks.

Some shark species have unique patterns. Each member of that species has its unique pattern like we have our unique fingerprint.

2. Myth: Keep moving to remain alive:

There is a famous myth that sharks need to keep moving to remain alive. This is totally false.

3. Myth: Sharks can detect a single drop of blood.

Like other myths, this myth is also wrong. Sharks can not detect this much small amount of blood in water.

4. No bone in the body:

The most interesting point is that sharks don’t have a bone in their bodies. They only have cartilage for the support of body structures.

5. Collapses in the open air:

Sharks’ bodies usually collapse when they are taken out of water for a long time. The reason is that they don’t have any bones. Cartilage is not strong enough to bear the weight of their heavy organs.

6. Special oils:

Sharks have special oils with very low density present in the liver. These oils help them to keep floating.

7. Myth: Not mammals:

Sharks are not mammals, unlike the popular assumption.

8. Nurse shark:

There is an endangered shark name Nurse sharks. This shark is famous for its friendly behavior to humans.

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