How To Know If Someone Restricted You On Instagram

How To Know If Someone Restricted You On Instagram

Are you worried about being restricted by Someone on Instagram? Or are you observing something off when contacting someone’s account on Instagram? It might symbolize that someone on Instagram has restricted you.

An Instagram restriction allows you to restrict someone from approaching your account without blocking or unfollowing them. You can minimize cyberbullying by applying restrictions on someone’s account that you don’t like. Restriction on Instagram does not stop you from viewing their account; you can visit their profile and see their content.

It is not apparent if someone restricts your account on Instagram. When you block someone, or someone blocks you, then it can be easy to know that. But if someone has not blocked you but restricts you from their content on Instagram, and you cannot comment on their account, then it is a problem.

If you are not aware of being restricted by someone, and some things seem confusing, but you cannot understand what the matter is, don’t worry. Now you can easily find out if someone restricts your account on Instagram.

What happens if someone restricts you on Instagram?

Instagram Restrict feature is a feature in which a person can limit someone’s access to his account. If you want to learn how someone could restrict you from their account, you first have to understand some of the main points of this feature.

Most of the time, you don’t even know if someone has restricted you from their account. It is different than blocking your account. If you are restricted, you can still open that person’s account and see that person’s content. You can even see their posts, reels, stories, and comments. The restriction does not stop you from commenting on their posts or sending messages.

Things to Check When Someone Restricts You on Instagram

I’ll describe some things that might be suspicious to you, indicating that any person restricts you.

  • You can comment on that person’s post and see it, but others cannot. You might be restricted if you are the only person who can see that comment.
  • If you and that person are friends and follow each other, you can see when that person is active and when he is not. But if you are restricted, you might not see their activity status, meaning they have applied restrictions on you.
  • If you send a message to that person, but your message is not marked as seen, even after they read it, it means that person restricts you.

How to Check if Someone Has Restricted You on Instagram

Here is the checklist that lets you know if someone has restricted you on Instagram:

Leaving a comment on their post

If a person restricts you, it does not mean you cannot leave any comments on their posts. You can comment on their post and reel whatever you want, but others might not see it. Your comment will only be visible to you. It means you are restricted from commenting on that person’s post.

  • If someone restricts your comment, you can ask any of your friends to confirm if they can see your comment on that post. If you can see that comment but not visible to your friend, then your account will likely be restricted.
  • It might be possible that your friend could not find your comment in many comments, so don’t jump to conclusions. Ask your friend to search thoroughly to ensure your comment is visible on that post.
  • If your account is restricted from commenting on posts, other people will see Restricted comments written on your comment. They can click on this Restricted comment, and there will be two options Approve or delete it. They can choose anyone.

Activity Status Restriction

If you and that person are friends, you can see each other’s activity status when the other person was active last time. But if your account is restricted, you can no longer see his activity status.

  • You will not get any information about when they are active and when they get offline. You also cannot see if they have seen your message or not.
  • If your activity status is not ON, you can turn it ON and see another person’s activity status.
  • Open the setting of your account.
  • Click on privacy, and then select the Activity status.
  • To see the other person’s activity status, you must turn it ON.
  • After turning it ON, go to that person’s chat box. Open the chat box of any other friend also to check if their online status is visible.
  • If you can see other people’s online status but not of that person’s, it means that person restricts you.
  • If you still cannot understand, log in to your other account if you have one; otherwise, let any of your friend’s mobile and check if that person’s activity status can be seen.
  • If the activity status of that person is visible from another account, then it is sure that person has restricted your account.

Messages Restriction

You can also check your messages to see if the other person has restricted your account. If you have sent a message to that person long ago but did not get a response yet, and your message is also not marked as seen, then that person restricts you.

  • For further checking, search that person’s name in the Instagram search engine. If his profile appears on the screen, you are not blocked.
  • Now click on the message option to send a private message to that person. Type a message in the message box and send it.
  • If your message is marked seen but did not get a response, the person is ignoring you; your account is not restricted.
  • But if your message has not been marked seen and you did not get any response from the person, then it is inevitable that the person has restricted your account.

Not Sure If Someone Blocked You? Here is How to Find If Someone Blocked you on Instagram

How Can You Restrict Someone’s Account On Instagram?

You might face cyberbullying or see some weird people’s DM on your Instagram account. Don’t worry; you can also restrict anyone’s account on Instagram.

Every Instagram user sometimes wants to restrict or stop someone from approaching their account or avoid creepy messages. Now you can also use this feature to avoid many problems on Instagram. If you want to restrict Someone on Instagram, you can do it through messages, comments, or settings.

You have to follow the instructions that are given below:

Restriction Through Comments

If you want to restrict someone by using the comment section, then you can easily do it by following the steps:

  • Open your Instagram account, and open any post on your profile.
  • Click on view all comments.
  • Now search for the comment of that person that you want to restrict.
  • If you are an iPhone user, swipe that comment left, or hold it for a second if you are an Android user.
  • You will see an exclamation mark at the top of the upper-right corner.
  • Click on that; you will see two options on your screen Repost this comment or Restrict this person.
  • Now tap Restrict this person option, and that person will be restricted from commenting on any of your posts.

Restrict Someone Through Messages

You can easily restrict someone by using the messages option on your Instagram account.

Just follow the steps given below:

  • Open your Instagram account, and then open your chats.
  • Click on the specific person’s name you want to restrict, and his/her chat will open on your screen.
  • On the top of the screen, click on that person’s name.
  • Scroll down the screen; you will see an option for restriction.
  • Tap on Restrict, then that person’s chat will be restricted.

Restrict Someone Through Their Profile

You can block any person without hesitation if he is harassing or blackmailing you on Instagram. But if you don’t want to block Someone on Instagram but also want to avoid their messages and comments, then you can restrict them by using their Instagram profile. Just follow the steps to restrict someone by using their profile:

  • Open your Instagram account, and search for the person you want to restrict.
  • Open that person’s profile, and then you will see a three-dot menu on the upper right corner of the screen. The menu might be horizontal or can be vertical, also.
  • Click on the three-dot menu, and different options appear on your screen.
  • Click on the Restrict option; a menu will appear on your screen again.
  • Please read the whole menu; you will see all the details of restricting that person’s account.
  • If you want to restrict that person’s account, tap on Restrict Account
  • The account of that person will be restricted from now.
  • After the restriction, you will get a notification immediately when that person comments on your posts.
  • If you have chatted with that person, it will shift to the request section rather than the inbox now. Whenever you want to open that person’s chat, go to your request box, and you will see that person’s chat there.

Restrict Someone Through Instagram Settings

This method is also rapid if you want to restrict someone using settings. You have to follow the given steps:

  • Open your Instagram account, and go to your profile page.
  • You will see three horizontal lines menu bar at the top right corner of the screen.
  • Click on the menu bar, and then select settings.
  • In settings, Select privacy.
  • After selecting privacy, you will see other options; tap on connections.
  • In connections, select restricted accounts.
  • When the restricted accounts screen appears, you will see a search bar on the top of the screen; you can search for that person’s account there.
  • By writing that person’s name, his account will appear on the screen; click on Restrict that has written next to their name.
  • After clicking on that, that person’s account will be restricted, and the person will no longer disturb or annoy you.

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How to Unrestricted Someone on Instagram?

If you have restricted someone’s account on Instagram before, but you want to unrestricted that person now and allow them to message you and comment on your posts. It is not tricky to unrestricted someone after restricting them.

  • Open your Instagram account, and click on that person’s profile.
  • When their profile has been opened on your screen, click on the three-dot menu.
  • The menu will appear on your screen; select unrestricted.
  • The account of that person will be unrestricted now.


If you were wondering if someone has restricted your Instagram account. Here is the complete information in this article for you on how you can find out if someone has restricted your account.

You can follow our article if you want to restrict someone on Instagram. Things are not as tricky as they seem. You can get all of the helpful information in this article that you require.

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