6 Common Misconceptions about Pakistan

6 Common Misconceptions about Pakistan

Pakistan is the 6th most populous country in the world and the 2nd largest Muslim-majority country. It came into being in 1947 and became the 7th country to have atomic power or nukes. It is playing a very positive role in the world and is well-known all over the world. Every country and state is aware of its name. Despite its efforts to ensure peace in the world, the country is still ill-reputed. The people have misconceptions about the country and think of it as a third-class nation.

They are unaware of the beauty & talent that exists within Pakistan. Due to this Pakistanis often face difficulties when setting their foot in the outside world.

Common Misconceptions about Pakistan

1. Education

The literacy rate in Pakistan is indeed low but it does not mean that the Pakistani people are not civilized. The new generation is well-educated. They are graduates and postgraduates of top-ranked Pakistani and foreign universities. They are performing their roles and carrying on the task of the development of the country.

Education in pakistan
Image source: Unicef

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Pakistanis are also becoming entrepreneurs and providing solutions to problems. Freelancing is quite common in our youth. Recent stats show that Pakistan ranks at 4th in the countries where freelancing is being gone on as a trend and earns a good portion of revenue annually.

It is often thought that Pakistani people are ignorant and not well-educated but it is not right. The importance of education is well realized. The government and many NGOs are taking steps to educate people at every level.

2. Behavior of People

Some people say that people of Pakistan are uneducated and their behavior is rude but it’s limited only to those who say this. The Pakistani people are very welcoming, warm-hearted, kind, and generous. They have a great sense of humor and won’t let you down.

Hospitality in pakistan

In urban areas, life is a bit rushy. The people are quite busy with their lives. The real treasure lies in the rural areas. The people are free day and night and are always there to welcome you and company you.

You might regret having interacted with them because they will take care of you so much that you would’ve never imagined in your life. Their dealings are full of generosity. You can ask anyone for help and they will do whatever they can to help you and fulfill your needs.

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3. Security

Another misconception about Pakistan is that it lacks proper security measures and for producing violent elements but that’s not the case. Our police and armed forces are well trained and disciplined to carry out their duties. They are responsible and patriotic. They are carrying out their duties and protecting our country both from outside as well as inside elements.


High-Security protocol is given to high-ranked personalities and every citizen is properly taken care of. Like in every department few factors are not favorable but it is safe to say that our security forces are properly taking care of our county. And Pakistan is very safe to visit.

4. Tourism

With security comes safety and with safety comes pleasures. The people have generally the notion that there are no beautiful and worth-seeing places in Pakistan but that’s wrong. For sure we do not have The Great Wall of China or the Taj Mahal but we do have our beauty. Our very own natural beauty of what we feel proud of.

Pasni beach, Balochistan

Pakistan’s northern areas as well as the areas in Baluchistan and Sindh are full of natural beauty. There are plenty of points and views which a fellow will surely enjoy. Many historical places in Pakistan are worth seeing which include Faisal Mosque and Badshahi Mosque. The Pakistani government has also been promoting tourism and if given proper care and attention, it won’t be long when our tourism will prosper.

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5. Development

Pakistan is currently is a developing country but it does not mean that it is not developed. While there are many rural areas, there are many urban areas too. Our major cities are quite well-developed and are host to our major portion of the population. Many modern and world-class facilities are available.

Development in pakistan

From entertainment to education, from work to leisure everything is available. Their standard is high too. Many development plans have started and many more are underway to develop the country and to make it a prosperous country.

6. Traditions and Culture

Unlike the people, say Pakistani people have their traditions and cultures that have been their own for many years and they are still carrying it forward to the future generations. This ranges painting in trucks, celebrating marriages, creating a fuss on events to those mud-built houses in villages, the farms surrounded by plants.

Pakistani culture

Our national dress is “Shalwar Kameez with Pagari” for males “Shalwar Kameez with Dupatta” for females is also a part of our culture. Our culture is unique and our traditions are our very own. A part of it relates to our neighbors but the rest of it is different. Given the modern times, there are some factors from Western cultures which are being adopted. But we have our sense of culture and will lighten it up till our last breathe.

While it is true that every country has its shortcomings and no country is perfect, Pakistan, too, has some internal as well as external factors that are messing up with its image worldwide. But given the difficulties, it has survived, challenges it has overcome and the morale of its patriotic people, it won’t be long when the name of this nation will shine.

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