Difference between MPhil and MSc – Which one is better?

Difference between MPhil and MSc - Which one is better?

Every graduate student is now finding the difference between MPhil and MSc. To make a better decision one needs fully understand how MPhil and MSc are different.

What is MPhil Degree?

MPhil is a short form of Master of Philosophy. A huge portion of Mphil usually consists of a research portion which is done under the supervision of your teacher or supervisor. A scholar must complete your thesis to earn this degree. You can get admission to Mphil after 16 years of studies.

The duration of Mphil is 2-4 years which depends on the student. MPhil students learn the relative subjects and research methodology in the first year (or first two semesters) of the degree. After that research period starts which can be completed in 1 to 3 days. That’s why the duration of this degree varies from individual to individual. 

In many countries, MPhil is required to become a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

In Pakistan, many Top universities like NUML, QAU, NUST, and many others offer this degree.

What is MSc Degree?

MSc is also called Master of Science. Many countries and universities abbreviate it as MS, MSc, SM, or Sc.M also. As depicted from its name. An MSc degree is granted for subjects that are based on science or mathematics like engineering, medicine, etc.

Some top-level universities award MSc degrees for humanities and social sciences as well.

Usually, an MSc degree is enough for various high-level jobs around different industries but MPhil improves your chances slightly.

You can get admission in MSc after 14 years of education.

Difference between MPhil and MSc

  1. The main difference between MPhil and MSc is that MSc is a “graduate” degree while MPhil is a post-graduate degree.
  2. The other big difference is that M.Phil is based on research work and as a scholar will have to carry out his research to get a degree. On the other hand, M.Sc is completely related to typical classroom teaching, seminars with little practical work.
  3. In MPhil more modern and sophisticated tools are used to solve scientific problems. In MSc, standard and usually old methods/tools are employed to learn things.
  4. MSc is the usual requirement for high-paying jobs while MPhil adds your chance to get those jobs.

In conclusion, both degrees are equally important and our society needs people from both types of fields. It depends on the interest of a person to choose MPhil or MSc. 

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