Thai woman gets imprisonment for 43 years for insulting King

Women gets sentence for 43 years for insulting monarcy

In Thailand, a court sentenced an ex-govt official a prison for 43 years and six months on charges of insulting or defaming the Thai monarchy.

According to reports, the women posted some audio clips on Youtube and Facebook. The clip was criticizing the King and Monarchy. The ruling of the court came despite ongoing protests against monarchy for Human rights violations.

“Today’s court ruling is very much shocking and alarming. It indicates that any criticism on the monarchy will not be tolerated in Thailand.” said a spokesperson of human rights watch.

The Woman is punished according to a controversial law of Thailand. Article 112 allows govt to punish anyone insulting or criticizing. The most alarming situation is that this law has been used to punish people for as little things as social media posts. In reality, usually, people get punished just for criticizing the monarchy. Insulting monarchy is very much rare.